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Other Housing Tools

Learn more about other housing strategies here or contact Amanda Chiancola, Senior Planner, at achiancola@salem.com, or 978-619-5685 with questions.

It takes many different tools to address housing needs and the city is currently engaged on a number of policy strategies.

This City of Salem has developed a Housing Info website at https://salemhousinginfo.com/ with resources and tools for affordable housing stability.

Other options to help address the housing crisis include:

Rental Subsidies

Rental subsidies that fill in the gap between market rents and what a household can afford to pay, based on spending no more than 30% of household income on housing

Could include assistance with security deposits, moving costs, or utility bills

Construction on underutilized land in established neighborhoods and commercial centers.

Infill Development

As of right permit process that requires a minimum of 20% of units be affordable

40R Smart Growth Overlay District

Identify and remove barriers to development in the Zoning Ordinance

Remove Zoning Barriers

Re-use buildings originally built for a use other than housing for housing

Adaptive Reuse