Housing Strategy - Home
Addressing the housing crisis in Salem and the Greater Boston area takes many tools—including regional partnerships and strategies. Recent local planning and policy initiatives include a condominium conversion ordinance, accessory dwelling units, inclusionary zoning and leveraging publicly owned land.
The City of Salem built on its recent housing planning and policy initiatives by developing a Housing Road Map. This document, created via a robust public engagement process, resulted in thirty (30) strategies for the City to implement to respond to our community’s housing needs across a five-year horizon. As of June 2024, more than eleven (11) have been implemented or in process. Read on to learn more.
Speak up to support housing!
Support a project by going to a meeting. Check the City Calendar for meeting details.
Contact your City Councilor and the Mayor:
Find your Councilor (and your Ward!)
Contact the Department of Planning + Community Development about a development project or zoning amendment at 978-619-5685 or housinginfo@salem.com or send a letter to:
Department of Planning + Community Development, City Hall Annex, 98 Washington Street, 2nd fl.