Proposed Smart Growth Overlay District - Salem State University, South Campus

This page is intended to provide updates on the 40R subdistrict proposed to be located at 8, 11, 20-32 Harrison Road and 262 Loring Avenue. To learn more about about 40R and Smart Growth generally, please see the 40R Strategy page here or contact Elena Eimert, Senior Planner, at, or 978-619-5685.

The City of Salem is considering the establishment of a Smart Growth Overlay District, with a subdistrict located on the property located at 8, 11, 20-32 Harrison Road and 262 Loring Avenue. Avalon Bay Communities Inc. and Winn Companies were jointly selected by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, acting by and through its Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM), to redevelop Salem State’s South Campus.

Questions about the proposed redevelopment project, which would need to conform with any proposed zoning, should be directed to Roxcell Rigby and Dave Gillespie, at and


  • The project representatives, Avalon Bay Communities Inc. and Winn Companies, hosted a public meeting on August 12th at 6pm in the Harrington Building Cafeteria on the SSU campus. The presentation is available via SATV here and details their current project concept, which includes up to 475 units of housing, with 24% of units being affordable to households making at or below 60% Area Median Income (AMI) and 110 units set aside for older adults, and 15+ acres of open space, park, conservation area and trails.

Next steps:

  • The City will work on a draft of the preliminary application to the state, via its Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities. This application will include the text of the draft zoning ordinance for the proposed zoning overlay district. This will include uses, dimensional and parking standards, and affordability. It can include design standards. It will also outline how the City believes the proposed district complies with the requirements of MGL Ch. 40R. When ready for public review, the application will be shared on this page and a Public Hearing will be scheduled.

  • A Public Hearing will be held to solicit public comment on the draft preliminary application. This hearing will comply with all notice requirements for Public Hearings.

  • The City will review the public comments and may revise the proposed ordinance in the preliminary application in response to comments received. A summary of the revisions, if any, will be included in the preliminary application. 

  • The City will then submit the preliminary application to EOHLC. EOHLC then has 60 days to make a preliminary determination on whether the district would be eligible for financial incentives. A copy of the submitted application will be posted here, on Imagine Salem.

  • EOHLC will review the preliminary application and provide a letter to the City stating whether the district is eligible, conditionally eligible, or not eligible to be a Smart Growth Overlay district. If it is eligible or conditionally eligible, the City will submit the proposed zoning ordinance to the City Council.

  • Then, the City Council will schedule a joint public hearing with the Planning Board, where public comment can be offered.

  • After the joint public hearing is closed, the City Council will refer the ordinance to the Planning Board for a recommendation.

  • After the Planning Board provides a recommendation, the City Council will vote on the ordinance at a regular City Council meeting. If it receives a majority of votes, it will need to receive a second majority vote at a second regular City Council meeting. Both City Council meetings will provide additional opportunities for public comment.

  • Should the ordinance receive second passage by the City Council, the City would request final approval from EOHLC. A more detailed explanation of the process can be viewed at:

Last updated 8/29/2024.